3 Ways to Increase Profitability | Profitable Popularity (2024)

Profitability is one of the key performance measures in your small business. Profitability refers to the amount you, the business owner, retain after you’ve deducted your expenses. While cash flow- the amount of money flowing through a business is important, ultimately, profitability is the best measure for long term viability of the company as well as long term satisfaction of the owner(s).

3 Ways to Increase Profitability | Profitable Popularity (1)Profitability is impacted by two main factors: prices charged and costs incurred. When a company can provide services or goods for less than they charge, they are profitable. When it costs more (in time, money, resources) to provide the service or good than they have charged, they are losing money- i.e. are not profitable.

This seems to easy to measure in fixed goods, but more difficult to measure when we trade assets like our expertise, intelligence, creativity, and brilliance. When we are employed within the knowledge economy, how can we measure our own personal ratio of costs/expenses to profits/income?

One way to do it, of course, is through the concept of hourly rate. How much do we charge per hour, and do we feel that is a fair return on our investment of time, energy, brainpower?

Yet, for many of us creative entrepreneurs, the work we most love to do is exactly that which we’d do for free- because we love it so much. So how do you keep an eye on profit when you are also doing work you love?

There are three ways to increase profitability of any business:

1) Increase prices.

2) Sell more of your services or goods.

3) Reduce your expenses.

Increasing your prices can be accomplished by raising the dollar value of your time, reducing the time you spend in each task, or increasing the dollar value of each sale. You, might, for instance, move your rate from $300 to $400 per hour. Or you might move to 45 minute sessions instead of 60, keeping the price the same. Or you might sell your hours in a bundle or package such that you collect more money per sale. These are all ways to increase your profitability.

Selling more services or goods can be accomplished by finding more good clients or customers at low cost, or or by selling more to your existing clients, so that you don’t have the costs associated with marketing or client acquisition. It costs about 60% less to retain a client than it costs to acquire a new one, so it make sense to retain your clients for as long as you both provide value to each other. How can you sell more of your goods and services to your existing clients and keep providing value longer?

Reducing your expenses. Since profitability results from the ratio of income and expenses, it makes sense that reducing your expenses will boost your profitability. While I want you to have the resources you need to do your work well, most of the time we need fewer resources than we think to do our work. Case in point: when people spend thousands of dollars on branding their business BEFORE they’ve ever gotten their first client. You shouldn’t brand anything unless you’ve sold it at least a few times and have satisfied clients. Similarly, you don’t need a lot of infrastructure to attract your first few clients. Focus on profitability from the beginning by keeping your expenses low.

As a business owner focused on profitability, your goals should be to attract good clients, retain them for as long as there is value to both parties in doing so, and keep your expenses as low as you can while still providing high quality service and a distinctive experience.

When you keep the focus on profitability, you can be sure that your business will make dollars and sense.

3 Ways to Increase Profitability | Profitable Popularity (2024)


What are three ways to increase profit? ›

The top profit drivers common to most businesses include:
  • increasing sales (turnover)
  • improving gross profit by either increasing price or reducing input costs.
  • reducing overhead expenses by improving efficiency.
Oct 25, 2023

What are the 3 major factors that determine a company's profitability? ›

Tip. Your profitability in business is your revenue from operations, less your expenses. The greater the result, the more profitable you are. The factors affecting profits include demand for your products, the cost of making them, the general economy and the competition you face.

What three things must a company do to increase profitability? ›

There are three ways to increase profitability of any business:
  • Increase prices.
  • Sell more of your services or goods.
  • Reduce your expenses.

How to increase the profitability of a project? ›

10 essentials to boost project profitability
  1. Track the right metrics. ...
  2. Invest time in profitability analysis. ...
  3. Determine actual fixed-fee project costs. ...
  4. Ensure consistent collaboration with project managers. ...
  5. Leverage data at every step. ...
  6. Monitor resources and time. ...
  7. Track committed and budgeted costs.
Feb 23, 2024

What increases profitability? ›

There are four key areas that can help drive profitability. These are reducing costs, increasing turnover, increasing productivity, and increasing efficiency.

What are the 3 components of profit? ›

Profit is calculated as total revenue less total expenses. For accounting purposes, companies report gross profit, operating profit, and net profit (the "bottom line").

What are the three 3 elements of the profitability analysis? ›

The profitability ratios often considered most important for a business are gross margin, operating margin, and net profit margin.

What are the 4 factors of profit? ›

Price, quantity, variable, and fixed costs are the main factors that go into determining your profit.

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Key Takeaways

Companies can determine profitability through a number of factors, such as expenses, demand, productivity, and competition. Profitability is commonly expressed as a ratio, such as the gross profit margin, net profit margin, operating margin, or EBITDA.

What are the 4 ways a business can maximize profit? ›

Let's explore some profit-maximizing strategies that will be most effective for your business:
  • Understand your margins. Understanding your margins is one of the most critical steps in maximizing profits. ...
  • Optimize your pricing. ...
  • Streamline your operations. ...
  • Increase efficiency. ...
  • Focus on customer retention.
May 2, 2023

How do businesses make more profit? ›

Specifically, as market share increases, a business is likely to have a higher profit margin, a declining purchases-to-sales ratio, a decline in marketing costs as a percentage of sales, higher quality, and higher priced products.

What are the steps for profitability? ›

The 5 Steps to a Profitable Business Plan, According to Peter Mantell
  1. Determine Why and How Your Business Exists.
  2. Define Your Company Culture and Values.
  3. Use Budgeting and Job Costing to Set Goals, In Numbers.
  4. How Accurate Was Your Forecast? Keep Score and Adjust.
  5. Focus on Employee Retention.

How do you display profitability? ›

Margin or profitability ratios
  1. Gross Profit = Net Sales – Cost of Goods Sold.
  2. Operating Profit = Gross Profit – (Operating Costs, Including Selling and Administrative Expenses)
  3. Net Profit = (Operating Profit + Any Other Income) – (Additional Expenses) – (Income Taxes)

How do you solve profitability? ›

To calculate, divide net income by net sales, then multiply that number by 100 to create a ratio. Each industry has a different average net profit margin ratio, so business owners should compare their business's net profit margin ratio to the industry average to assess yearly performance.

What are the 6 strategies that grow revenues and profits? ›

Increase your revenue in six ways: grow customer base, retention, customer service, data-driven engagement, refine pricing and find new revenue streams.

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.