How to Measure Business Profitability (2024)

How to Measure Business Profitability (1)

Run » Finance

Track your business’s profitability and overall financial health with these six useful methods.


Cory Paller , Contributor

How to Measure Business Profitability (2)

A business’s financial health is determined by various factors, one of which being the amount of profit generated. That’s why it’s so important for business owners to understand their current, past, and future profitability.

Here’s why profitability matters so much, especially for small businesses, and how you can effectively measure yours.

What is profitability?

Profitability is the ratio between a business’s income and its expenses. A business determines its income by calculating the money the business generates through its operations and activities. A business determines its expenses by calculating the number of resources (money, time, and inventory) consumed during the course of its operations.

Leaders can use this data to determine their business’s profitability through an income statement. An income statement is a report detailing a business’s income and expenses during a particular accounting period.

To measure future profitability, a business may use a pro forma income statement, which measures income and expenses for an upcoming accounting period. Some businesses may generate project income statements to determine the profitability of a particular business change or upcoming business project.

[Read more: How to Calculate Small Business Profit]

Business managers and owners should keep a close eye on their gross profit margin ratio to ensure it stays stable over time.

Ways to measure profitability

Businesses can measure how profitable they are with a few different types of financial calculations.

Gross profit margin ratio

A gross profit margin ratio is vital information as it analyzes a business’s money flow. To first calculate your gross profit, subtract the cost of goods sold (COGS) from net sales. Next, calculate the gross profit margin ratio by dividing your gross profit by net sales, then multiplying that number by 100.

Business managers and owners should keep a close eye on their gross profit margin ratio to ensure it stays stable over time. The ratio should only fluctuate when pricing policies or the price of goods changes.

Operating profit margin ratio

An operating profit margin ratio illustrates a business’s earning potential from its current operations. You can calculate your operating profit margin ratio by dividing operating income by net sales, then multiplying that number by 100.

A healthy operating profit margin ratio is one that increases from one accounting period to the next. Businesses use this profitability measurement to calculate their competitive position within an industry.

Net profit margin ratio

A net profit margin ratio calculates the amount of profit a business can extract from its total revenue stream. To calculate, divide net income by net sales, then multiply that number by 100 to create a ratio.

Each industry has a different average net profit margin ratio, so business owners should compare their business’s net profit margin ratio to the industry average to assess yearly performance. A net profit margin is different from an operating profit margin ratio because it accounts for earnings after taxes.

Break-even analysis

A break-even analysis involves determining the point at which a business’s revenues equal expenses. To calculate, a business will need to determine its fixed expenses, variable expenses, and sales. A variable expense is an expense that fluctuates based on sales numbers. The break-even point is when sales equal fixed expenses plus variable expenses.

The break-even point can be expressed in either dollar amounts or units sold and is useful in determining how your business will react when sales slump. This method is incredibly valuable when planning for a business’s future.

[Read more: How These Innovation Driven Startups Reached Profitability]

Return on assets

A return on assets measurement demonstrates the comparison between assets and revenue. The higher the number, the more efficient the business. To calculate your return on assets, divide net income before taxes by total assets, then multiply that number by 100.

Return on investment

Return on investment allows a business owner to determine if the financial benefit of a project or investment is worth the initial and ongoing expenses. If you will ultimately spend more money than you’ll earn, the venture may not be worth it. To determine a business’s return on investment, divide net profit before taxes by net worth.

No matter which metrics you use to determine your overall profitability, it’s essential to be consistent about tracking your business’s financial performance and health. The sooner you can identify potential problems and negative trends, the sooner you can take action to get back on track.

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How to Measure Business Profitability (2024)


How to Measure Business Profitability? ›

The simplest measure of profitability is net income, which is revenue minus expenses. This shows the amount of income you generate from your business after accounting for all expenses.

What are the 5 profitability ratios? ›

Remember, there are only 5 main ratios that you must be measuring:
  • Gross profit margin.
  • Operating profit margin.
  • Net profit margin.
  • Return on assets.
  • Return on equity.
Nov 9, 2021

What is a good measure of profitability? ›

A good metric for evaluating profitability is net margin, the ratio of net profits to total revenues. 3 It is crucial to consider the net margin ratio because a simple dollar figure of profit is inadequate to assess the company's financial health.

How do you assess business profitability? ›

Profitability is measured with an "income statement". This is essentially a listing of income and expenses during a period of time (usually a year) for the entire business.

What is a common measure of profitability for a business? ›

The gross profit margin and net profit margin ratios are two commonly used measurements of business profitability.

What are the 4 common profitability ratio? ›

Common profitability ratios include gross margin, operating margin, return on assets, return on sales, return on equity and return on investment.

What are the 4 levels of profitability? ›

There are four ways of looking at a company's profit margin: gross profit margin, operating profit margin, pretax profit margin, and net profit margin.

Which profitability ratio is most reliable? ›

The operating profitability ratio is often considered the best one out of the three. It tells an organization how well it manages its costs. This is after all operating expenses have been deducted from sales. The contribution profitability ratio is useful for marketing purposes.

What is a reasonable profit margin for a small business? ›

Although profit margin varies by industry, 7 to 10% is a healthy profit margin for most small businesses. Some companies, like retail and food, can be financially stable with lower profit margin because they have naturally high overhead.

What is the average profit of a small business? ›

As reported by the Corporate Finance Institute, the average net profit for small businesses is about 10 percent. Here are some examples reported by New York University—note the wide range of actual profit margins reported in the study: Banks: 31.31% to 32.61% Financial Services: 8.87% to 32.33%

Which KPI measures the profitability? ›

Examples of profitability KPIs include gross and net margin and earnings per share (EPS). Efficiency KPIs include the payroll headcount ratio. Examples of liquidity KPIs are current and quick ratios. Leverage KPIs include the debt-to-equity ratio.

What are the three measures of profitability? ›

Measuring profitability through the use of various performance ratios
  • Gross Profit Margin Ratio.
  • Net Profit Margin or Net Profit Percentage.
  • Operating Profit Percentage.
  • Return on Assets.
  • Return on Equity.

What are the 5 ratios of a business? ›

The common financial ratios every business should track are 1) liquidity ratios 2) leverage ratios 3)efficiency ratio 4) profitability ratios and 5) market value ratios.

What are the profitability ratios examples? ›

  • Return on Equity. This ratio measures Profitability of equity fund invested the company. ...
  • Earnings Per Share. This ratio measures profitability from the point of view of the ordinary shareholder. ...
  • Dividend Per Share. ...
  • Price Earnings Ratio. ...
  • Return on Capital Employed. ...
  • Return on Assets. ...
  • Gross Profit. ...
  • Net Profit.
Jul 28, 2021

What are the types of profitability ratios and its formula? ›

How to Calculate Profitability Ratios?
Net Profit MarginNet Profit Margin Ratio = Net Income / Net Sales
Return on EquityROE = Net Profit after Taxes / Shareholder's Equity
Return on AssetsROA = Net Profit after Taxes / Total Assets
Return on Capital EmployedROCE = EBIT / Capital Employed
3 more rows
Oct 16, 2023

Is a profit ratio of 20 good? ›

However, we can make some generalisations about good profit margins: A net margin of 10% is generally regarded as a good profit margin for most business types, while 20% or higher is very healthy. A 5% net profit margin is regarded as low and indicates the business may be unsustainable.

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