Perry Junior High School Student Handbook - New Hartford Central School District (2024)

Table of Contents
Table of Contents Return to Perry JR. HIGH SCHOOL Home Mission Statement Vision Statement Beliefs Student Responsibilities & Expectations Student Responsibilities Student Expectations Building Policies Assemblies Athletic Code Of Conduct Attendance There are two reasons for absences: Attendance At School Events Truancy and Tardiness Notification Part Day Excuses Dismissal Precautions Student’s Right to Due Process Making Up Work After an Absence Bell Schedule Bus Transportation Care Of Property Character Education Cheating & Plagiarism Plagiarism Code Of Conduct Copyright Student Work: Counseling Office Counselors Can Help You Counseling Activities Academic Monitoring Counselors Crisis Situations Dress Code Drop/Add Courses Drugs & Alcohol Drug-Free School Zone Drug & Alcohol Policy Community Drug Alcohol Prevention/Intervention Program Emergency Closings TV Stations Radio Stations Emergency Drills/Plans Emergency Drills Emergency Plans Examinations Field Trips Grading Handicapped Accessibility Harassment Reporting Procedure: Discipline Health Services Immunizations Illness Screenings Physical Exams Sports Medications Students Reporting to the Nurse’s Office Homework Information Technology Policies New Hartford CSD Acceptable Use Policy Protection of Network Resources Library Hours Books Library Obligations Lockers Lunch Program Lunchroom Behaviors Nondiscrimination PTA/Parent Involvement Pass System Physical Education Grading Attendance Physical Education Medical Excuses Make Up Policy Grades 7 & 8 Grade 9 Pupil Insurance Searches Smoking Staff/Student Relations Student Accomplishments Honor Roll Study Hall Conduct General Rules Telephone Textbooks Vacation Policy Visitors Working Papers Water Bottles

Table of Contents

  • Mission Statement
  • Vision Statement
  • Beliefs
  • Building Policies
  • Assemblies
  • Athletic Code Of Conduct
  • Attendance
  • Bell Schedule
  • Bus Transportation
  • Care Of Property
  • Character Education
  • Code Of Conduct
  • Copyright
  • Counseling Office
  • Crisis Situations
  • Discipline
  • Dress Code
  • Drop/Add Course
  • Emergency Closings
  • Emergency Drills/Plans
  • Examinations
  • Field Trips
  • Grading
  • Handicapped Accessibility
  • Harassment
  • Health Services
  • Homework
  • Information Technology Policies
  • Library
  • Lockers
  • Lunch Program
  • Make Up Work
  • Nondiscrimination
  • PTA/Parent Involvement
  • Part Day Excuses
  • Pass System
  • Physical Education
  • Pupil Insurance
  • Searches
  • Smoking
  • Staff/Student Relations
  • Student Accomplishments
  • Study Hall Conduct
  • Telephone
  • Textbooks
  • Vacation Policy
  • Visitors
  • Working Papers
  • Water Bottles

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Mission Statement

The New Hartford Central School Community ensures an engaging, student-focused environment where everyone can learn, succeed, and is valued. We are committed to:

  • Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Citizenship
  • Innovation

Vision Statement

An innovative community of lifelong learners.


  1. All people should be treated with respect.
  2. Trust, caring and nurturing should pervade the entire community.
  3. All people should be responsible for their actions.
  4. Rewards and consequences for actions should be applied consistently and fairly within the entire school.
  5. Learning is possible for all. When failure occurs, it should be treated as only a temporary setback.
  6. Students vary in the amount of time required to learn; therefore, time should be adjusted accordingly.
  7. Consistent energy and resources should be directed toward student success.
  8. When appropriate, learning should be cooperative in nature.
  9. While recognizing that learning is not finite, students should know what they are to learn, why they should learn it, how they will learn it and how they will be evaluated.
  10. Students should be provided the opportunity to participate in all district programs; standards will be maintained.
  11. In order to progress and enhance a program, it is important to take reasonable risks. Change and renewal should be based on research, knowledge and local experience.
  12. Actions should be consistent with the mission, beliefs and desired outcomes.

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Student Responsibilities & Expectations

Student Responsibilities

  1. Students are to get to class on time.
  2. Students are to be prepared for class (homework, paper, pens, etc.)
  3. Students are to be considerate of others.
  4. Students are to respect school property and the property of others.
  5. Students are to respond promptly to the directions of all adults in the building.
  6. Students are to assume responsibility for their own actions.
  7. Students are to resolve their concerns in a mature manner.
  8. Students are to have agenda planners with them at all times.

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Student Expectations


  • Keep the center of the hallway clear. Gather only at the sides of the hallway.
  • You are not to be hanging out in the hallways after school. If you are staying after with a teacher, you are to be in that teacher’s classroom, not wandering the halls.
  • You must move to your class when the first bell rings.

Physical Contact

  • No hitting, tripping, grabbing
  • No pushing or pushing people into lockers
  • No throwing items at each other
  • No running
  • No hugging or other public displays of affection

Obscene or Offensive Language

  • No racist, sexist, hom*ophobic, or other slurs
  • No swearing/cursing or any other version

Beverages in School

  • Students may carry with them during the school day a water bottle
  • Each faculty member will inform their students of their classroom water bottle policy

Cell phones/Headphones/Electronic Devices

  • As per board of education policy, student cell phones must remain off and stored in their lockers from 7:30 am until dismissal. Students may use the phone located in the main office to contact their family. If a parent/guardian needs to communicate with their child, they can call the main office.
  • Earbuds/Headphones may only be used for instructional purposes in the classroom at the discretion of the teacher. These items are not to be worn in the hallway at any time, including during lunch.

Respect for Teachers/Staff

  • Students need to be aware of teachers in the hallways.
  • Students need to acknowledge and respond immediately to directives given by teachers and staff.
  • Students need to go up the right side of the stairway and down the left side to leave room for others to travel.

Book Bags

  • All bags and belongings must be stored in their locker, except for their school-issued computer case.
  • Students will be assigned a locker and are provided time between each class to retrieve any materials necessary for their next class.


  • Lockers are not to be rigged, overstuffed, or otherwise tampered with
  • Signs (birthdays, extra-curricular/athletic related) should not be excessive and should be disposed of properly. If you hang them up, you take them down.

Cheating on a Test, Quiz or Homework

Keep your eyes on your own paper during all graded tasks. Looking at another student’s work is considered inappropriate behavior and will result in a 0 for the task as well as disciplinary action.

This is your warning.

Having notes of any form within your eyesight during a quiz or test is inappropriate. All materials should be on the floor and covered during a graded task. Failure to do so will result in a 0 as well as disciplinary actions.
Obtaining a copy or knowledge of material on a test/quiz task previous to the administration of the test/quiz/task will result in a 0 as well as disciplinary actions.

Copying homework/tasks from other students will result in a 0 for both students as well as disciplinary actions.

Students may work together on tasks as allowed by the teacher, but there must be clear evidence of both students working together, not merely one student copying from another. In this case any teacher will take the material being copied and give it to the appropriate teacher.

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Building Policies

  • Classrooms open at approximately 7:30 a.m.
  • Insubordination to a teacher or any adult in authority may result in immediate suspension.
  • Students are to leave the building promptly after school so that the buses may leave on time.
  • Students who have remained after school for some reason should wait for their bus in the main foyer.
  • Students who remain after school must be in the direct supervision of a faculty/staff member. Students who remain after school and are not supervised will be sent to athletic study hall for the remainder of time until the late bus arrives. Students are prohibited from going to Hughes School to visit or board a bus.
  • Snowmobiles, mini bikes, motorcycles, or any other vehicles are prohibited from school property.
  • Disruptive behavior is prohibited.
  • Running in hallways is prohibited.
  • Woods are off limits and suspension may result if this rule is violated.
  • Possession or sale of fireworks on school property will result in immediate suspension. Possession and sale of fireworks is illegal in the state of New York. Criminal charges may also result.
  • Fighting, threatening, or intimidating others is prohibited. Immediate suspension may result.
  • Foul language is prohibited.
  • Cheating in any form is prohibited.
  • Propelling snowballs, ice, snow chunks, etc., is prohibited.
  • As per board of education policy, student cell phones must remain off and stored in their lockers from 7:40 am until dismissal. Students may use the phone located in the main office to contact their family. If a parent/guardian needs to communicate with their child, they can call the main office.
  • Earbuds/Headphones may only be used for instructional purposes in the classroom at the discretion of the teacher. These items are not to be worn in the hallway at any time, including during lunch.
  • Skateboards are prohibited from school and school property.
  • Use or possession of potentially dangerous weapons – e.g. knife, razor blade, chains, laser pointer etc. is prohibited. Suspension and/or criminal charges may result.
  • Occasionally, students will have disputes that began in school and are continued off of school property. The school reserves the right to act in an effort to insure the safety of any students involved. This may include disciplining the aggressor.
  • All forms of gambling are prohibited. Detention and/or suspension may result.
  • The possession of a weapon on school property is strictly prohibited, except by law enforcement personnel. Any person possessing a weapon for educational purposes must have written authorization of the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee.
  • The school discourages students from bringing any kind of unnecessary personal property to school,(hand-held games, excessive jewelry, extra clothing, or excessive money). The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items, even if they are in a locker.
  • Due to lack of parking at our school, no students are allowed to drive personal cars to school.
  • Students are to follow the dress code at all times.

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Student assemblies are seen as part of the overall educational process. School assemblies, at all instructional levels, are often held to provide recognition of student accomplishments by peers, parents and staff members. Assemblies will be appropriate to the educational experience, as defined by the New Hartford Board of Education, and reflect our school’s educational mission.

Students are reminded of proper conduct at assemblies to ensure responsible audience participation:

  • Take an assigned seat quietly
  • Do not speak above a whisper, and only speak when necessary
  • Pay attention to the speaker/performer(s)
  • Applaud only when appropriate

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Athletic Code Of Conduct

View theAthletic Code of Conduct.

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Attendance is important! It is each student’s basic responsibility as a member of the school community. In addition, regular attendance is directly related to academic and career success.

Every student is expected to be on time and attend all classes, except in those instances listed below. Attendance is taken by teachers each day. The attendance secretary makes daily telephone calls to parents/guardians to report unauthorized class absences, and regular attendance reports are sent to parents/guardians. Although we contact many parents by phone each day to ascertain the reason for their child’s absence, it is advisable for the parent/guardian to call the school attendance office when he/she knows his/her child is going to be absent. Also, for all absence other than truancy, the student is required to submit a note from the parent/guardian explaining the absence. The note should include the date and reason for the absence.

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There are two reasons for absences:

Excused Reason

The District recognizes the following “excused absences” as defined by Section 175.6 of the Commissioner’s Regulations: personal illness, serious illness or death in the family, impassable roads due to weather conditions, religious observance, quarantine, court appearances, attendance at health clinics, approved cooperative work programs, approved college visits, military obligations, disciplinary detention of an incarcerated youth or any other reason approved by the Commissioner. Additionally, the building principal has the discretion to excuse a student’s absence for certain limited family reasons (such as a wedding or graduation).

All instances of excused absence require a written parent/guardian excuse. The excuse must identify the date/time of absence, reason for the absence, tardiness, tardiness or early departure and parent/guardian signature. Students failing to present an excuse prior to an early departure or upon reporting back to school following an absence or tardiness will be subject to a warning. Subsequent offenses will result in progressive discipline measures.

Unexcused Reasons

Most absences not mentioned above are interpreted under the law as “unexcused absences” including but not limited to non-school sponsored activities, vacation, shopping, babysitting, oversleeping, needed at home, cold weather or missing the bus. Any reason not listed as excused will be deemed unexcused unless the Building Principal determines otherwise. The two categories of unexcused absences are:

  1. Illegal Absence: Illegal absence occurs when the student is absent with the knowledge and consent of his/her parent/guardian for other than an excused absence.
  2. Truancy: A student who is absent from school without the knowledge and consent of his/her parent/guardian for other than an excused absence.

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Attendance At School Events

To participate in after school extracurricular activities (other than sports), students must be in school by 12:00 p.m.

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Truancy and Tardiness

Under the compulsory education laws of New York State, a minor who becomes six (6) years of age on or before the 1st of December in any school year shall be required to attend school and must remain in attendance until the last day of session in the school year in which the minor becomes 16 years of age.

We believe it is important to ensure students are attending class as well as arriving to class on time, since these are essential aspects of ensuring an orderly environment for learning.

Student absence for all or part of a day without the knowledge and consent of the parent is considered truancy. Truancy is a violation of New York State Law and is subject to disciplinary measures imposed both by the school and Family Court.

Tardiness, whether the fault of the child or the parent/guardian, cannot be excused except for the reasons cited above. A note explaining the cause of lateness is required. Since excessive tardiness and absences are not conducive to good work habits or learning, parents/guardians should make every effort to have their children in school every day and on time. If a student is illegally tardy on more than three occasions per semester, he/she will be given a formal behavior referral.

  1. Chronic tardiness and truancy are disruptive to both teachers and fellow students and therefore will not be tolerated.
  2. Any act of truancy (absence without good reason, or permission of parents, and/or school authorities) will result in the following:
  3. Each period missed will receive one (1) detention, for example, truancy of period 1 through 4 – four (4) detentions. A letter will be sent to you, the parent, informing you of the truancy and serving as a record of the action taken.
  4. Since truancy is illegal, court action may result if the truancy continues. (Students of compulsory school age only) Any scheduled examination missed because of truancy may not be made up and will receive a grade of zero.

This policy also applies to scheduled make-up examinations. For example: a student misses an examination due to an excused absence and the teacher’s schedules a make-up examination. The student then deliberately misses the make-up examination without permission or excuse. The student will not be allowed to take a make-up examination and will receive a grade of zero.

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Written notification to parents concerning students’ excessive unexcused absences, tardiness or early departures will take place at least in quarterly intervals and will include information that resource/support personnel are available.

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Part Day Excuses

If you are to be absent for part of a day, use the following procedure:

  1. Bring a note from home stating the specific reason for being absent and the date.
  2. Bring the note to the Attendance Office, leave it with the attendance secretary before school.
  3. If you return to school the same day, go to the Attendance Office to be readmitted to class.

NOTE: Students are responsible for all assignments missed due to absence. See: Making Up Work After an Absence

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Dismissal Precautions

In order to ensure students’ safety, the building principal maintains a list of individuals who are authorized to obtain the release of students in attendance at the school. No student may be released to the custody of any individual who is not the parent or guardian of the student, unless the individual’s name appears on the list.

Parents or guardians may submit a list of individuals authorized to obtain the release of their children from school at the time of the child’s enrollment.

A parent or guardian may in writing amend a list submitted pursuant to this regulation at any time.

Certified copies of any court orders or divorce decrees provided by the custodial parent, which restrict a parent’s ability to seek the release of his/her child, shall be maintained in the main office. If anyone seeks the release from school of a student, he/she must report to the main office.

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Student’s Right to Due Process

Anytime an action is taken by a teacher, staff member, or administrator under any policy dealing with absences, truancy, tardiness, or make-up examinations, the student shall have the right of review and should begin with an informal appeal to the principal. The principal’s decision may then be appealed to the Superintendent of schools. The student may then appeal the Superintendent’s decision to the Board of Education.

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Making Up Work After an Absence

  1. The student is responsible for all work covered during the period of any absence.
  2. The allowed time for turning in make-up work or taking make-up tests is one school day for each day missed to a maximum of ten (10) school days unless other arrangements are made with the teacher.(Students with disabilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act will be provided “reasonable accommodation”.)
  3. It is the student’s responsibility to request all make-up assignments early enough to allow adequate time for completion within the allotted make-up time.
  4. In case of absence near the end of a marking period, it is the student’s responsibility to request all make-up assignments early enough to allow adequate time for completion prior to the end of the marking period.
  5. In the case of a planned absence, such as a family vacation which does not coincide with a school vacation, it is important to note that all make-up work still must be completed both prior to the end of the marking period and within the allotted make-up time. It is the student’s responsibility to request all make-up assignments ahead of time for such a planned absence. In order to assist the student in successfully completing all make-up work, the school strongly suggests the following procedure:
    • The student submits a note from home to his/her counselor at least 4 days prior to the vacation.
    • In return a student is issued a three-part form explaining this policy and providing room for all assignments due during the absence period.
    • Upon completion of this form, the original is kept by the student, the yellow copy is returned to the counseling office, and the pink copy goes to the attendance office.
  6. In the case of a part day absence, it is recommended that the student, prior to leaving school, contact those teachers whose classes will be missed. This will allow the student to receive the materials and instructions needed to ensure timely completion of all make-up work. This policy also applies to any case in which a student misses one or more classes during a school day, for any reasons, including the following: a school activity, being in the counseling office, being in the nurse’s office or an athletic event. Example: A student misses first period English and second period Math due to arriving at school late. It is recommended that he/she contact the English teacher and the Math teacher prior to leaving school that day, in order to obtain materials, instructions, or assignments that were missed. Example: A student spends fourth period in the nurse’s office and misses Chemistry, then attends the rest of his/her classes that day. It is recommended that he/she contact the Chemistry teacher for make-up work prior to leaving school that day. NOTE: If a student misses one or more classes during the day due to truancy (“cutting class”), then those policies dealing with truancy and tardiness are also in effect.

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Bell Schedule

Warning Bell: 7:44

Block 1: 7:45 – 9:08
Block 2: 9:13 – 10:38
Block 3: 10:43-12:52

9th Grade
Lunch 10:43-11:25
Class 11:29-12:52

8th Grade
Class 10:43-11:25
Lunch 11:27-12:08
Class 12:11-12:52

7th Grade
Class 10:43-12:08
Lunch 12:10-12:52

Block 4: 12:57 – 2:20

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Bus Transportation

Students in grades 7 – 12 are picked up so as to arrive at school between 7:20 and 7:40 AM and are taken home after school on a schedule which begins at 2:20 and runs approximately until 3:30 P.M. Below are the necessary rules that students will follow:

  1. Be on time at your stop. During inclement weather, driving conditions warrant extreme safety measures. Therefore, to maintain our time schedule, it is advisable to expect your bus early, especially if your stop is at the beginning of the trip.
  2. Parents should bring their child to school if the bus is missed. Don’t attempt running at the side of the bus to catch the bus at the next stop.
  3. Driver visibility is limited at the sides of the bus. (Do not hit the sides of the bus to attract the driver’s attention at any time.)
  4. Wait until the bus comes to a full stop before attempting to get on or off.
  5. Go immediately to a seat and stay there until the bus comes to a complete halt at your stop or at the school. (Seating of students is the individual driver’s responsibility.)
  6. No objects shall be passed through open windows.
  7. Keep arms, head and hands inside bus windows.
  8. No bundles or large parcels should be carried in a school bus (except musical instruments.) However, due to the design of the school buses with restricted space, etc. instruments excluded are the baritone, tuba, cello and bass drum. Trombones may be supported between the legs with end down on the floor. The French horn is to be allowed only if it can be kept on the lap of the student.
  9. Glass containers are NOT allowed on the bus. This pertains to items such as science projects, soda bottles and other glass containers students might have.
  10. Do not leave books, lunches, etc., on the bus.
  11. Do not talk with the driver while the bus is in motion.
  12. No smoking on buses. Suspension will result.
  13. Be a courteous and responsible passenger at all times.
  14. Drivers will report individual discipline problems to building principals and the Director of Transportation. Generally, on the first offense, a letter of warning is sent to the parent or legal guardian stating that subsequent referrals to the principal or dean of students may result in the student’s transportation privileges being suspended. Persistent problems may cause denial of transportation privileges altogether.
  15. SCHOOL BUS STOPS: Students requesting permission to board or be dropped at stops other than their usual, are to present the principal with a note signed by a parent. This note should be brought to the main office before school and the student will receive a permission slip signed by the principal or dean of students. This permission slip will be presented to the bus driver. Emergency requests phoned in by parents should be cleared with the building principal or dean of students.
  16. Only students attending supervised after-school activities may take the late run bus. Buses leave at 3:30 P.M. from the junior high school. Since only two (2) buses transport the limited number of students, they do not make all the normal stops. Therefore, some students may have to be left at a bus stop farther from their usual pickup point.

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Care Of Property

All students must show respect and care for Ralph Perry Junior High School property. Any damage to property should be reported to the main office or the appropriate teacher.

Acts of vandalism are crimes against the school district and the community which supports the schools. Students who willfully destroy, damage or deface school property shall be subject to disciplinary action, and may be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible under the law. If a student damages school property, such student and/or his/her parents or guardian shall be required to pay the district for the value of the damaged property up to the limit of the law. The student may also volunteer, with the consent of his/her parent/guardian, to work off the cost of the damage through community service at the school. State law now permits parental liability for up to two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500).

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Character Education

The New Hartford Central School District will work in partnership with parents to maintain a learning and work environment that supports the character development of its students. Character education will reflect and reinforce character and civic values such as honesty, integrity, responsibility, hard work, and respect for others.

Parents, students, and the school community will work together to teach, promote, and model ethical behavior reinforcing community values. The New Hartford Central School District will reflect and reinforce positive character traits that embody community values and promote principles of fairness and justice.

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Cheating & Plagiarism

Students cheating, from copying another student’s homework to copying another student’s answers on an exam is unacceptable student behavior and serious consequences will result. In the long run, the student who cheats will not derive the full benefit of the learning experience. In the short run, certain immediate consequences have been spelled out. The steps in the process, along with consequences are as follows:

  1. Teacher gathers all pertinent information – e.g. quiz/test papers, sheets of those suspected – as well as the quiz/test papers from those around the suspected student(s).
  2. Teacher evaluates the data.
  3. If the teacher’s suspicions remain, the teacher meets with student(s) to discuss the matter.
  4. Teacher informs counselor and Dean of Students.
  5. Teacher, with data in hand, meets with counselor and Dean of Students to discuss the issue.
  6. Teacher, counselor and/or Dean of Students meet with student(s) to explain the consequences. (“0” for the quiz/test on which the student(s) cheated).
  7. Parents will be informed of the incident. A parent conference may be held.
  8. The incident will become a part of the student’s disciplinary record if student is found guilty. In the case of fraud on a New York State Regents Exam, the student should be made aware that these exams are governed by rules and regulations as outlined in a manual titled “Regents Examinations, Regents Competency Tests”, published by the University of the State of New York, the State Education Department.

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At New Hartford Central School a code of academic integrity is applied to all undertakings. In the case of written work including essays, independent study reports, research papers, computer work, homework, examinations and laboratory or field work, it is incumbent upon the student to be the author of the work he/she submits.

Plagiarism is the use of someone else’s words or ideas without acknowledgement of the source. It can occur accidentally or deliberately, but in either case it is a violation of the principle of academic integrity. Accordingly, when someone else’s language is used, a student must provide quotation marks and either a reference to the source or a footnote. When someone else’s ideas or reasoning are paraphrased, the student must acknowledge the source in the text as well as in a footnote. In addition, a student who uses another student’s written work is guilty of a lack of academic integrity. Equally guilty is the student who is a party to this form of cheating. Any student who hands in plagiarized work or is party to this form of cheating will receive a zero.

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Code Of Conduct

View the New Hartford Central School District Code of Conduct in our Board of Education Policies.

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Use of works produced by another person is governed by copyright laws. Copies of “Fair Use Guidelines” are available in each classroom, office and building library.

Student Work:

  • Original student work is the property of the student.
  • Permission must be given in order for a teacher to publish, reproduce, retain or display in public arenas. Exemplary work kept from year to year is included and requires permission.

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Counseling Office

The Counseling Office can be reached at 315-738-9306.

To contact your counselor, please make an appointment anytime that does not interfere with a scheduled class. Parents are encouraged to call or email anytime during school hours.

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Counselors Can Help You

  • Become a self-advocate
  • Manage peer interactions
  • Learn organization strategies
  • Explore career possibilities
  • Develop goals
  • And so much more!

Counseling Activities

  • Individual and group academic planning
  • Scheduling options and/or schedule changes
  • Individual/ group counseling to help students who exhibit attendance/ academic/ behavioral concerns

Academic Monitoring

  • Students who are struggling and at-risk of failing a class will be offered lunch group support.
  • Homework completion will be monitored
  • Parent / Teacher / Counselor collaboration and communication will be ongoing


Ms. Ellie Bawarski
Phone: 315-738-9307

Mrs. Bethany Truax

Mrs. Krista Smith

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Crisis Situations

Students in need of emotional support or who are experiencing a personal crisis, or who are aware of another student in such a situation are strongly encouraged to contact the school social worker, Counselor, or any other staff member with whom they are comfortable to help connect them with an appropriate resource. They may also contact a 24-hour confidential crisis telephone number for help at any time: 315-732-0473.

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Dress Code

Individual students and parents have the responsibility for student dress and general appearance. Students are required to attend school in appropriate attire that meets health/safety standards and does not interfere with their education.

The following rules for student dress are to be followed by all students:

  • No jewelry that creates a safety hazard including: items with sharp edges, chains, studs, and/or spikes.
  • No footwear that presents a safety hazard, such as bedroom slippers or excessively high heeled/platform shoes. Footwear must be worn at all times. Students should wear footwear that allows them to walk comfortably throughout the building and to move quickly in response to an emergency.
  • No clothing, grooming, jewelry, accessory, or body adornment which contains advertisem*nts, symbols,words, slogans, patches or pictures that refer to drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or weapons of any kind or contain references or messages of a sexual nature, are obscene, profane, vulgar, lewd or libelous; threaten the safety and welfare of any person; promote any activity prohibited by the student code of conduct.
  • No hats, bandanas, hoods and other headgear, except when worn for medical or religious reasons. Hats are to be removed when entering the building.
  • Jackets and coats are not to be worn while in the school building. These items are designed as outerwear and should be placed in student lockers.
  • No articles of clothing that are worn in a way to make undergarments visible.

If found wearing such attire, students will be asked to change clothes prior to returning to class. The parent/guardian will be contacted.

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Drop/Add Courses

Students may add a course to their schedules within the first two weeks of the start of a course. In order to do this, a student must meet with his/her counselor and have written permission from the parent or guardian.

Students may drop an elective course up to the 10th week of the course after consulting with his/her counselor and having written permission from the parent or guardian. The last time a student should make a program change is the week after mid-term exams. This can be done after consulting with the counselor, teacher, and having written permission from a parent or guardian.

The building principal must approve any exceptions to these rules.

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Drugs & Alcohol

Drug-Free School Zone

The enactment of the “Drug Free School Zone” Local Law, made pursuant to the Laws of the State of New York 1986, Chapter 280, enacted in 1986, a provision of the State’s Criminal Law, creates a felony (class B) drug offense for the criminal sale of a controlled substance to a person less than nineteen (19) years of age in or on the property of an elementary or high school or within one thousand (1000) feet of the school’s boundary lines. This “Drug Free School Zone” applies to all of the school buildings of the New Hartford Central School District.

Under Federal Criminal law, penalties for drug offenses committed within a one thousand (1,000) feet radius of school property can be double the usual penalty for the same offense (21 U.S.C. 845A). In New York State, sale of a controlled substance to a minor less than nineteen (19) years of age, on or near school grounds, can incur a minimum of one (1) to eight and one half (8 1/2) years sentence (N.Y.P.L. Chapter 280, Section 220.44, 1986).

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Drug & Alcohol Policy

The school is committed to the prevention of alcohol and other substance use/abuse. No student may use, possess, sell or distribute alcohol or other substances, nor may he/she use or possess drug paraphernalia, on school grounds or at school sponsored events, except drugs as prescribed by a physician. The term “alcohol and/or other substances” refers to the use of all substances including, but not limited to, alcohol, inhalants, marijuana, cocaine, LSD, PCP, amphetamines, heroin, steroids, lookalikes, and any of those substances commonly referred to as “designer drugs.” The inappropriate use of prescription and over the counter drugs is also forbidden.

  1. Possession, Distribution or Sale of Controlled Substances
    1. On the first occasion, a secondary student shall be suspended from school in accordance with Education Law and Board Policy for a period of five (5) days. Students under sixteen (16) years of age will be
      required to attend alternate education from 2:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. for the duration of the suspension.
    2. Prior to the student’s return to school following suspension for possession of a controlled substance, arrangements shall be made by the principal, in concert with the parent(s)/guardian(s) and school staff, for relevant specialized counseling. Parent(s) guardian(s) will be urged to educate themselves concerning controlled substances and their abuse. (Should a parent/guardian refuse to arrange for such counseling, the Principal shall request a Superintendent’s Hearing and notify civil authorities of child abuse or neglect)
    3. Should there be any recurrence, the student will be automatically suspended for a period of five (5) days. The principal shall then recommend that the superintendent suspend the student for a period in excess of five (5) days. Such expulsion of a student shall only be made in accordance with the procedures set forth in Education Law Section 3214.
    4. The Federal Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 makes it a federal crime to sell drugs in or near a public or private elementary or secondary school. If a non-student is discovered in or about school premises in possession of drugs, or distributing drugs, etc., it is to be reported to the principal immediately. The principal will then take the following steps:
      • Notify the Superintendent of Schools
      • Call the Police
    5. The principal will notify the superintendent of all incidents regarding possession, distribution and the sale of drugs.
  2. Being Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance
    1. It is understood that being under the influence of a controlled substance is a determination that can be competently made only by medical practitioners. All district employees who observe a student whose behavior and/or appearance suggest the student is under the influence of a controlled substance should assume the student to be ill. The employee shall immediately notify the principal or his/her designee. Depending on the circ*mstances, the school nurse shall talk with and/or examine the student in the nurse’s office or wherever the student happens to be.
    2. The building Crisis Team will be convened by the principal to evaluate the situation as quickly and carefully as possible.
    3. When the student’s behavior or physical condition is such that he/she is incapable of attending or participating in the regular program of studies or school activity, and/or who might prove dangerous to him/herself or others, arrangements will be made for the student to leave the premises. Care and transportation will be arranged as in the case of any medical circ*mstances which warrant dismissal.
    4. Notification of the parent or guardian must be made and will include:
      • A recommendation that a physician be consulted and that the student receive a medical examination immediately to determine the cause of the condition.
      • Any information known to the staff as to how the student’s condition developed.
      • If the student’s signs or symptoms indicate drug or alcohol use.
    5. When investigation reveals that the student’s condition was due to the influence of a controlled substance, the student will be suspended by the building principal for a period of five (5) days. Students under sixteen (16) years of age will be required to attend alternate education from 2:30P.M. to 4:30 P.M. for the duration of the suspension.
    6. Prior to the student’s return to school following suspension for possession of a controlled substance, arrangements shall be made by the principal, in concert with the parent(s)/ guardian(s) and school staff, for relevant specialized counseling. Parent(s)/guardian(s) will be urged to educate themselves concerning controlled substances and their abuse. (Should a parent/guardian refuse to arrange for such counseling, the principal shall request a Superintendent’s Hearing and notify civil authorities of child abuse or neglect)
    7. Should there be any recurrence; the student will be automatically suspended for a period of five (5) days. The principal shall then recommend that the superintendent suspend the student for a period in excess of five (5) days. Such expulsion of a student shall only be made in accordance with the procedures set forth in Education Law Section 3214.
    8. If a non-student is discovered in or about school premises under the influence or in possession of drugs, or distributing drugs, etc. it is to be reported to the principal immediately. The principal will then take the following steps:
      • Notify the Superintendent of Schools
      • Call the Police
    9. The principal will notify the superintendent of all incidents regarding possession, distribution and the sale of drugs. Parents and students who want more information on substance abuse, or would like to ask questions about a specific problem, may call and/or visit the Counseling Office and/or our drug/alcohol counselor from Insight House. We believe that individuals with problems should feel comfortable to seek help without fear of punishment. The Counseling Office encourages students who believe they may have a substance abuse problem to meet with their counselor/drug abuse counselor and discuss it as soon as possible.

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Community Drug Alcohol Prevention/Intervention Program

This Community Program is aimed at providing information and resources for our students and their parents related to illegal substances and alcohol. The program provides education and intervention services for our young people.

One component of the program is the Student Assistance Program. A Drug/Alcohol Prevention Counselor from Insight House and a Juvenile Police officer from the New Hartford Police Department are available to meet with students on a weekly basis. We hope to provide a coordinated proactive program to assist our students as they face challenges. Parent permission and involvement is crucial to this program. For more information on this program, call the Junior High office.

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Emergency Closings

The Superintendent of Schools may close the schools or dismiss students/staff early when hazardous weather or other emergencies threaten health or safety.

Parents are requested to avoid calling schools on days of poor weather; it is important to keep school phone lines open. School closing and delayed starting times will be announced over local radio stations. If hazardous weather closes school, no extracurricular activities including dances will take place.

The following television/radio stations will carry information regarding emergency closings:

TV Stations

  • WKTV
  • WUTR

Radio Stations

  • WIBX 950 AM
  • WRNY 1350 AM
  • WRUN 1150 AM
  • K-ROCK 94.9 FM
  • WFRG 104.3 FM
  • WOUR 96.9 FM
  • WLZW 98.7 FM
  • WODZ 96.1 FM
  • WRBY 102.5 FM
  • WRCK 107.3 FM

If no report is heard, it can be assumed that schools are OPEN. You may also visit the district website to check for posted announcements.

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Emergency Drills/Plans

Emergency Drills

The building principal is responsible for conducting emergency drills in order to instruct students and staff in exiting the school building in an emergency in the shortest time possible and without confusion and panic.

Emergency drills shall include instruction on fire drill exits and fire alarm boxes, as well as fire drill procedures.

All students are expected to cooperate with staff members during emergency drills, and to leave the buildings in a quiet and orderly manner. The exit route is posted in each room. Students must stay with their teacher.

Distracting behavior will be subject to either teacher or administrative discipline, and may merit a penalty. In accordance with regulations of the Commissioner of Education, the district has developed an Emergency Management Plan to safeguard the safety and health of students and staff, as well as district property, in the event of a true emergency.

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Emergency Plans

Each year, the school will stage a “test” or drill of the Emergency Management Plan, including practice in sheltering students and staff, and an early dismissal at a time not more than 15 minutes earlier than the normal dismissal time. Parents/guardians will be informed of any such “test” at least one week prior to the drill.

The District Emergency Management Plan includes the following:

  1. Definitions of “emergency” and procedures to be followed to activate the plan
  2. Designation of a control center in anticipation of, or in response to an emergency
  3. Identification of sites of potential emergencies
  4. Identification of appropriate responses to emergencies
  5. Procedures for coordinating the use of district resources and personnel during emergencies
  6. Identification of district resources which may be available for use during an emergency
  7. A system for informing all schools within the district of the emergency
  8. Plans for taking the following actions, if appropriate; school cancellation; early dismissal; evacuation; and sheltering
  9. Pertinent information about each school (including information on school population, number of staff, transportation needs and the business and home telephone numbers of key employees of the district and others, as appropriate)
  10. Procedures for obtaining advice and assistance from local government officials

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  1. The student must have completed all course work and acquired a passing average prior to the exam.
  2. In the case of scores where the difference between the Regents exam and the average is less than 10 but more than 5, special permission to take a “walk in” regents may be granted by the counselor or principal.
  3. Students intending to take a “walk in” regents need to notify their counselor by the following schedule:
    1. By the end of the 1st marking period for January regents.
    2. By the end of the 3rd marking period for June regents.
    3. By the end of the 1st week of summer school for August regents.
  4. Should a student choose this opportunity for “walk in” regents, the exam grade (passing or failing) will be recorded. Only if the “walk in” grade is higher than the previous regents, will the new grade be substituted for the old and a new final average computed for the course.

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Field Trips

From time to time students will be taken on field trips as part of their course work. When this occurs outside of school hours, we ask your permission via a permission slip. Trips during school hours are considered normal school day activities. If you have any questions about proposed trips, please call. Students will be told about the type of clothing they are to wear depending on the nature of the trip.

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Classroom teachers will evaluate students. All students are expected to complete the assigned class work and homework as directed. Students are also expected to participate meaningfully in class discussions and activities in order to receive course credit.

Grading will not be used for disciplinary purposes – e.g. giving lower grades for bad behavior – unless the student’s misconduct is directly related to his/her academic performance (e.g. plagiarism).

Grading will be based, in part, upon student improvement, achievement, and participation in classroom discussions and activities. Classroom participation, and thus student attendance, is an important factor in earning high grades.

During the school year there are four marking periods, each consisting of approximately ten (10) weeks.

Marks given to students at report card marking periods are further described by the addition of teacher comments. These comments indicate the teacher’s estimate of effort and attitude.

Grades are given numerically at the end of each marking period. The final grade is an average of the marking periods and final examinations. Please see individual course outlines for final grade calculations. Any grade below a 65 is failing.

Any grade below 55 will be marked “F” on the report card. (An F may be any grade from 0 – 54, exact grade may be provided by the teacher to determine average).

Ninth grade honors courses are weighted in the student’s GPA.

Questions? Call the Counseling Office at 315-738-9306.

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Handicapped Accessibility

Parents/students are advised that the handicapped entrances to the school are located at the main entrance of the school and at the cafeteria door at the end of the building facing the access road to Hughes School.

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The New Hartford Central School District is committed to safeguarding the right of all students within the district to learn in an environment that is free from harassment on the basis of gender, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, and religion.

Conduct is deemed to be sexual harassment when the student perceives such behavior as unwelcome, such as inappropriate touching, verbal comments, sexual name calling, spreading sexual rumors, gestures, jokes, pictures, rape or attempted rape.

Examples of harassment include unwanted verbal comments, name calling, racial or ethnic slurs, slogans or graffiti, intimidating actions such as cross burning or painting swastikas, treating students differently because of race, threats, gestures and pictures.

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Reporting Procedure:

Students should immediately report any and all incidents of sexual harassment to any teacher, counselor, or administrator at the school site or any other personnel with whom the student feels comfortable. Any school personnel receiving a complaint or report of sexual harassment will report the incident immediately to the school administration.

Each complaint received will be promptly and thoroughly investigated in a way that respects the privacy of all parties concerned to the extent permitted by law and to the extent practical and appropriate under the circ*mstances. Retaliation, in any form, against any person who has filed a complaint or report of sexual harassment is illegal and, therefore, strictly prohibited. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

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Any student who is found guilty of sexual harassment shall be subject to disciplinary action consistent with the New Hartford Central District’s Code of Conduct which may include suspension and/or expulsion under New York State Education Law Section 3214.

Any student who is found guilty of retaliating, in any way, against any person who has filed a complaint or report of sexual harassment will be subject to disciplinary action consistent with the NHCS Code of Conduct which may include suspension and/or expulsion under New York State Education Law Section 3214.

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Health Services

The functions of the school health services are to make sure each child is physically and emotionally ready to receive the benefits of education, to protect against the spread of contagious disease, to care for medical emergencies that may arise, and to consult with school administrators, parents, teachers and health care providers on health matters.

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Proof of immunization is mandated by New York State in order for a child to be admitted to school. These are as follows:

  1. Three (3) or more doses of diphtheria toxoid.
  2. Tetanus Toxoid + Pertussis Vaccine – 3 doses if born on or after 1/1/2005
  3. Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis Booster (Tdap) – Born on or after 1/1/94
  4. Three (3) or more doses of oral polio vaccine.
  5. MMR – Measles: 2 doses of live measles vaccine, (1) dose of rubella vaccine, and (1) dose of mumps vaccine.
  6. Hepatitis B (3) Doses
  7. A single (1) dose of Varicella (Chicken Pox) – Born on or after 1/1/94 or written documentation of disease by a physician or positive serology.

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The parent is the best judge of whether the child is ill. We encourage parents to keep the child at home if he/she is sick or if there are symptoms that indicate an illness may be beginning. If you suspect that your child may be out for any length of time (three 3 days), it would be helpful if you would call the health office at 315-738- 9317.

In any case, if your child is ill, please call the attendance office at 738-9304 between 6:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. each day. Please leave a message for the attendance secretary.

Health Conditions that warrant exclusion from school include but are not limited to:

  • Chicken Pox
  • Diarrhea
  • Measles
  • Vomiting
  • Fever greater than 100
  • Lice
  • Scabies

Additionally, the following conditions before treatment for 24 hours:

  • Strep Throat
  • Impetigo
  • Pink Eye
  • Any condition in which sound medical/nursing judgment determines that attendance in school would jeopardize the health of the school population or the student concerned.
  • Any medical treatment in school including crutches requires a physician’s note.

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At some time during each school year, your child will visit the Health Office for the following screening procedures:

● Height/Weight
● Scoliosis
● Vision Hearing (grade 7 only)

Any findings that are not within normal limits will be reported in writing to the parent/guardian. The form sent to you should be returned to the nurse after your child has been checked by his/her doctor. We encourage parents and teachers to refer any student they feel might be having vision or hearing difficulties, even if the child has already been tested.

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Physical Exams

N.Y. State Education Law requires physical examinations of children when they:

  • Enter the school district for the 1st time
  • Are in grades: Pre K, Kindergarten, 2nd, 4th, 7th, and 10th.
  • Participate in interscholastic sports (yearly)
  • Need working papers

Each physical examination needs to include the student’s Body Mass Index (BMI) and Weight Status Category.

We encourage you to have this done by your family physician, as he/she is most familiar with your child’s health history. The school provides a physical exam form if you choose to see your own doctor. This report should be submitted within thirty (30) days from the start of school.

To help you meet this state requirement, the district will be conducting physical exams periodically during the school year. If you would like your child to have a school physical exam, please call to advise the nurse or have your child sign up when announcements are made. When any condition is found that may need further attention, parents will be notified in writing and a form will be provided to be filled out by your doctor.

It is our policy to announce “physical sign ups” prior to physicals. This allows the students ample time to visit the health office for pre-physical screening.

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All students who plan to “tryout” for a school sport must have an annual physical exam. The results of the examination shall be valid for qualifying a student’s participation for a period of 12 months. This examination is valid through the last day of the month in which the examination was conducted rather than 365 days from the last examination. If the 12-month period for the physical examination expires at the start or during a sport season, participants may conclude the season, as long as a health history update was completed prior to the sports season.

Additionally, all students in 7th or 8th grade, who plan to try out for a JV or Varsity level sport, must be recommended by the coach and have a physical maturity/special classification form filled out by our school doctor. Please contact the Athletic Director for the Parent Permission Form. When both forms are on file, the student will take a fitness test to determine if they are physically able to participate in a JV or Varsity sport. Sports Physical Forms must have a complete review of systems with blood pressure and pulse. It must also specifically state “cleared for sports without restrictions.”

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N. Y. State Law requires that if a child must receive medication during school hours the following procedures must be followed (medications include all prescription and nonprescription drugs).

Please note that we do not stock any medications.

Parents must submit the following for dispensing medications in school:

  1. A written statement from the parent/guardian requesting administration of the specific medication in school, as ordered by the physician.
  2. A written order from a licensed prescriber including:
    • Students name and date of birth
    • Reason for medication (diagnosis)
    • Name of medication, route and dosage
    • Time of administration
    • Relevant side effects
  3. The parent/guardian must assume responsibility to have the medication delivered directly to the health office in the ORIGINAL CONTAINER. Ask your pharmacist for 2 vials so you can also have one at home. If your child needs to carry the medication with him/her, this must be stated by the physician.

The school nurse is unable to administer medications without ALL of the above. A medication administration form is available from the nurse’s office. Please do not send your child in with a pill in a baggie! The nurse is unable to accept them.

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Students Reporting to the Nurse’s Office

All students who report to the nurse’s office must have a pass from a teacher or the office in order to enter the nurse’s quarters. No students will be allowed to loiter in the nurse’s office.

Upon their arrival in the nurse’s office, an assessment of the complaint will be made. Parents will be notified of the visit, if needed.

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Homework provides excellent opportunities for developing good study habits, provides for individual differences and abilities, and encourages self-initiative on the part of the student.

Parents and the school share the responsibility for student learning. Parents can assist their child(ren) with homework by:

  • Providing a study area free of distractions and with good lighting
  • Asking questions about the content of student homework
  • Giving requested assistance, but letting the student do his or her own work
  • Avoiding undue pressure
  • Helping create a “homework habit” at the same time each night

Ralph Perry Junior High believes that parental involvement in students’ homework is essential to making homework an integral part of the educational program. Parents should encourage and monitor homework assignments.

At the discretion of the teacher, students may be assigned assignments each night. If a student feels that he or she has a heavy load of homework per week, a conference with the counselor is suggested. If parents are concerned that their child(ren) is receiving either too little or too much homework, they should contact the building principal.

  1. Teachers generally give daily assignments. Some teachers provide weekly assignment sheets.
  2. Students will be provided an assignment book (Perry Agenda) in which assignments must be recorded. Parents are asked to review this book with their child(ren) every day.
  3. Assistance is available immediately after school for any student who needs help. Students need only to request help from a teacher in order to arrange extra help. Transportation is provided for those who remain after school for extra help.
  4. The student is responsible for completing all assignments due to absence from school and should check with teachers immediately upon returning. All teachers have a system for making sure students may obtain homework if they are absent for less than one week.
  5. For extended absence of one (1) week or more, call the counseling office for assignments. Assignments are provided for extended illness only. Students are encouraged to contact their “homework buddy” and check Google Classroom for assignments due to absence of less than one (1) week.

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Information Technology Policies

New Hartford CSD Acceptable Use Policy

View theNew Hartford CSD Acceptable Use Policy

Protection of Network Resources

View theProtection of Network Resources

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The Ralph Perry Junior High library is a bright, warm inviting place for students to do reading and research. It is important for all students to remember to respect the right of others to have a quiet place to work. Also, due to the size of the library, students have a responsibility to follow the school and library rules of conduct.

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The library hours are 7:40 AM to 2:20 PM each school day. Students may visit the library during the school day. A designated number of students may visit during study halls. A quota of students is determined by the number of study halls during that period. Students with pre-signed passes from a teacher may go to the library on a priority basis. Students generally stay the entire period. Thus, they should plan their work accordingly.

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There is no limit to the number of books a student may sign out as long as they are brought back on time. Book sign out is for three weeks. It is a student’s responsibility to make sure a book is returned on time. If a book is overdue, a reminder will be sent to the student and a list of overdue books will be posted in the library. If a student’s name is on the list he/she has forfeited his/her right to use the library until the book is returned. It is extremely important that students come to the library when they receive a notice to explain why a book has not been returned. Otherwise, they will continue to receive notices which will lead to a disciplinary action. Payment for the lost book is expected within a reasonable length of time. If the book is found, the payment is refunded.

Remember: If you are having trouble finding what you need…ask! We are here to help you.

Students are expected to exercise reasonable care in the use of school equipment and any damage done to library books, textbooks, or other school equipment due to misuse or negligence must be paid for. Lost or damaged textbooks will be immediately reported to the bookstore for payment. Other school equipment, which is damaged, should be reported to the building principal, who will determine if negligence on the part of the student was the cause of the damage. If so, the student and the student’s parents will be expected to pay for such damage.

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Library Obligations

The following procedure for obligations to the library will be followed:

  • The student takes care of his/her obligation immediately.
  • A library reminder is sent to the student: a.) given to the student by first period teacher b.) student is sent to the library.
  • A library notification is sent to the parent/guardian if the student does not take care of the obligation.
  • The student will be referred to the office for further action if he/she does not return or pay for the book(s).

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Lockers are issued to students at the beginning of the school year. Students entering after the term has started should report to the office for a locker.

Please observe the following rules in the use of your lockers:

  • Keep your locker locked at all times.
  • Do not change lockers without permission from the main office.
  • Do not share your combination, or locker, with anyone. A friend in the fall may not be a friend in the winter/spring.
  • Should you have a locker problem, a form may be obtained from the main office and should be filled out as soon as possible. Repairs will be prompt.
  • Missing articles (lost or stolen) should be reported to the main office immediately. A form is provided for this purpose.
  • While we try to provide secure facilities for books and clothing, we cannot be held responsible for lost articles.

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Lunch Program

With the whole population becoming ever more health conscious, our food service department has kept up the pace with a wide variety of nutritious foods served daily. We understand the role of good nutrition in our students’ scholastic, athletic, and extracurricular activities and promote school lunch as an important ingredient of their success.

We encourage students to eat lunch which is designed to meet one third of the U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance Requirement.

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Lunchroom Behaviors

There will be three (3) lunch periods during block 3. The dining room supervisors expect cooperation with the following rules:

  1. Students are responsible to dining room supervisors and are expected to comply with their directions.
  2. Students will need to arrive promptly to the cafeteria as follows: 9th grade lunch (10:43), 8th grade lunch (11:27) and 7th grade (12:10). Any student arriving after these times must have a pass from a teacher or they will be assigned office detention. This will cut down on people making noise in the hall.
  3. All students are to keep in straight, single file, orderly lines while waiting to be served. No student should get ahead of other students already in line.
  4. Food or drinks must not be taken out of the dining room. This will cut down on litter in your school.
  5. Pre-signed passes will be honored during the lunch period only after the student has completed eating lunch. No student may leave the cafeteria without a pre-signed pass. Only one name may be on each pass and the student must present a pass each day.
  6. The telephone in the main office may be used only with permission from a lunch supervisor.
  7. Upon finishing lunch, students are required to clean their areas of the table and return their trays.
  8. Students are not to stand around and loiter in the cafeteria. Begging or harassing others for food or money is prohibited.
  9. Students are to be seated at all times, except when returning trays, standing in line, or leaving the cafeteria to go to recreation.
  10. Students who chronically misbehave in the cafeteria may be:
    1. Confined to the cafeteria- these students will sit at a designated table and will not be allowed out of the cafeteria for any reason. These students must ask and receive permission to get their lunch, snacks, properly dispose of their garbage, and be out of their seat for any reason.
    2. Suspension from the cafeteria (Lunch Detention) – these students will be assigned to eat in a designated room. The length of time served in these punishments will be determined by the administration. Parents will be notified.

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Each student is encouraged to develop and achieve individual educational goals. The New Hartford Central School District will provide every student with equal educational opportunities, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, religion, age, economic status, marital status, or disability. No student will be excluded on such basis from participating in or having access to any course offerings, student athletics, counseling services, employment assistance, extracurricular activities or other school resources. Mr. Hyde is the designated district compliance officer, who will coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Inquiries regarding this nondiscrimination policy may be directed to:

Mr. Allen Hyde, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum/Instruction
New Hartford Central School District
33 Oxford Road
New Hartford, New York 13413
Phone: 315-624-1274

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PTA/Parent Involvement

The Board of Education believes that positive parental involvement is essential to student achievement, and encourages such involvement in school educational planning and operations. Parental involvement may take place either in the classroom or during extracurricular activities. However, the Board of Education also encourages parental involvement at home, such as planned home reading time, informal learning activities, and/or homework “contracts” between parents and children).

For further information on how parents can be involved in the schools, contact the Ralph Perry Junior High Parent Teacher Association. For information on how parents can assist their children academically, contact the Counseling Department at 738-9306.

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Pass System

The pass system allows students’ movement in the building. It is based on the assumption that a student can handle the responsibility that goes along with the privilege. To help keep the building quiet for classes, and to fulfill the faculty’s obligation for student safety, the following guidelines must be observed:

  1. When a student leaves a room during class time he/she must have the pass section of the Perry Agenda filled out.
  2. When leaving a study hall, the student must have the pass section of the Perry Agenda filled out or sign out to the library or the computer room on the list provided.
  3. If the student wishes to see a teacher, an appointment must be made ahead of time, so that the teacher will be free and expect the visit. A pre-signed pass must be shown to the study hall teacher in order to be excused.
  4. If a student exhausts all of their passes for a specific month, he/she will not be given more passes for the month.
  5. Areas in the building that are unsupervised are off limits and students who frequent these areas will receive detention.
  6. If the student is late to class, he/she need not obtain a late pass from the main office unless the teacher feels tardiness is becoming a chronic problem. Unexcused tardiness is grounds for detention from the classroom teacher.
  7. If the student is late for school or roll call in the morning or afternoon he/she must come to the attendance office for a pass so that he/she will not be counted as absent.
  8. Wandering in the halls without a pass will be considered truancy and will result in detention.

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Physical Education

The following recommendations are made in order to standardize policies and procedures in the Physical Education Department at the New Hartford Senior High School and Ralph Perry Junior High School.

All students will participate in class unless he/she has a medical excuse or written excuse from parent or guardian. For safety reasons, no jewelry will be allowed in Physical Education classes.

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Student grading will be based on the following:

  • Participation – may be measured in a number of ways: willingness to participate, being properly dressed for class, and being on time for class, etc.
  • Skills Test – these are the skills performed in the various learning activities. Grades are determined by application of skills, strategies, rules and conventions. The physical education teachers will grade each student on his/her improvement in ability and will not grade an individual by comparing one student to another.

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All gym classes must be made up. Classes not made up will result in a deduction in grade and possible failure.

Exceptions to the rule:

  1. Classes missed due to school related absences need not be made up. However, any written work i.e. quizzes, tests, or other written assignments must be made up.
  2. Excuses from participation for longer than a week must be verified by a physician on his/her stationary or on a form provided by the school. Students with a doctor’s excuse need not make up physical education classes. A grade of “M” (medical) will be registered on the report card for doctor’s excuses of long duration.
  3. If a student becomes ill before gym class or if a parent sends a note regarding a student’s health as it relates to gym, the student should report to the nurse’s office before his/her gym period. The nurse will communicate, before the class, with the physical education teacher regarding the health of the student. Parent excuses must be made up.

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Physical Education Medical Excuses

Students with a medical release for physical education are required to attend class. If feasible students may be asked to participate in a non-physical manner such as keeping score. Students unable to attend class due to a medical condition will complete an appropriate alternate project assigned by the teacher. Students missing class, including pre-signed passes from other teachers, will be subject to the physical education make up policy. Any exceptions to this policy will be considered through the screening team of the IST.

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Make Up Policy

The Make-up Policy for missed physical education classes is as follows:

A student may make up to four (4) missed classes in a quarter. Two classes may be made up by writing papers approved by the teacher. Attending any physical education class during the day is allowed to make

Should a student fail physical education, he/she will be scheduled for the appropriate activity during the subsequent school year. An incomplete in physical education automatically becomes a failure if not made up.

Any exceptions to the above policy must receive the approval of the IST Committee.

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Ralph Perry Junior High will make every effort to communicate potential promotion or retention of students to their parent/guardian. Conferences to discuss mutual concerns are encouraged. The following guidelines govern promotion and retention:

Grades 7 & 8

  1. Students who pass all subjects will be promoted automatically.
  2. If a seventh or eighth grade student fails three or more non-credit bearing courses in the core areas of English, social studies, math, and science, that student will repeat the grade level. In the case of a classified student, the Child Study Team and the Committee on Special Education will seek input from his/her teachers and determine the educational plan that would best fit the needs of the student.
  3. If a seventh or eighth grade student fails one or two courses in the core areas of English, social studies, math or science, the student must 1) attend summer school at Perry Junior High, or 2) attend summer school elsewhere. If the student attends summer school other than at Perry, it must be approved by the principal and an official grade report must be sent to Perry Junior High at the completion of the course. A grade of at least 65 must be achieved in each failed course.
  4. If a seventh or eighth grade student fails one or two courses and cannot attend summer school, the student may work with a private tutor approved by the principal. Tutoring must take place for a minimum of twenty hours during the summer. A project approved by the principal must be completed, and the student must receive a grade of at least 65 on an exam prepared by the New Hartford Central School District.
  5. If a seventh or eighth grade student does not successfully complete any of the options above, he/she is required to attend daily after school academic development sessions for a minimum of ten weeks commencing in September of the following school year. If a student does not pass the required exam at the completion of the ten weeks, he/she will continue in this program until demonstrating proficiency.

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Grade 9

In general, promotion from one class to the next shall be contingent upon the passing of all required subjects. Summer school is available to any 9th grade student who fails a required course. Children Who Fail or Underachieve: Pursuant to Part 203 of the Regulations of the commissioner of Education, students who have “failed continuously” or are underachievers must undergo suitable examinations to ascertain the physical, mental and social causes of such failure or underachievement. The physical examination shall be made by a licensed physician and shall precede any other necessary examinations. Any needed psychological exam shall be made by an approved psychologist. The result of the exam shall be reviewed by the Perry Junior High Child Study Team in order to determine the best procedures to alleviate or remove, insofar as possible, the causes of failure or underachievement for the child.

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Pupil Insurance

The New Hartford Central School district does not carry student accident insurance. Parents may want to explore purchasing such insurance through their own carrier.

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School lockers, desks, and other such equipment are not the private property of students but the property of the school district, and as such may be opened and subject to inspection from time to time by school officials. Under special circ*mstances, school officials may search students, particularly if there is reasonable suspicion that a student possesses illegal matter, for example, a dangerous weapon or illegal drugs. Students must be aware that such items are forbidden both on school property and at school related activities.

In addition to emergency drills, it is vital to assure that the school is free of illegal drugs and contraband. Please note that lockers and other school property are subject to inspection at any time by school officials. It is important for students to use and secure the locker to which they are assigned. The district has the right to inspect student lockers at any time without a search warrant, without notice, and without student consent.

Inspections may be conducted by school officials and/or law enforcement officials, and may be conducted with the assistance of drug detecting dogs. It is our intent during each school year to use drug detecting dogs to ensure that illegal drugs are not on school premises.

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Due to the health hazards associated with smoking, and in accordance with state law, students are forbidden to use or possess tobacco and tobacco related products (also known as “smokeless” or “chewing” tobacco), e-cigarettes, lighters, matches on school premises, on school buses, or at school sponsored activities. Students violating this policy will face immediate suspension.

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Staff/Student Relations

New Hartford Central School believes that the relationship between staff and students should be one of cooperation, understanding, and respect. Students shall be expected to respect staff members as individuals employed to provide direct or indirect contributions to learning. No student shall have the right to interfere with the efforts of the instructional staff to coordinate or otherwise implement a learning program. No student has the right to interfere with the learning activities and efforts of other students.

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Student Accomplishments

Honor Roll

The intent of our honor roll program is to instill in every individual the desire to perform to his/her potential and receive recognition for this hard work from the home, faculty and student body. For many, these honors mark the first and only tribute to their efforts. For others, this recognition serves as a prologue to future honors.

A student may be eligible for the Honor Roll at the end of each quarter.

All students who attain an average of 90 or better are eligible for the honor roll, regardless of their program of study. In accordance with FERPA, the Academic Honor Roll is no longer published. Students will receive a Perry Honor Roll Bumper Sticker with their Report Card when they attain a 90+ average. All subjects with numerical grades are computed for the honor roll with the exception of physical education. In addition, it must be understood that this honor has no bearing whatsoever on eventual rank in class established at the high school.

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Study Hall Conduct

General Rules

  1. Students must bring books and study material.
  2. This is a study period. Quiet is required.
  3. The teacher assigns seating.
  4. No passes are signed nor is permission given to go to the restroom until after attendance is taken.
  5. Permission to use the phone in the main office is granted during the study period only in case of an emergency.
  6. Going to the Library: A limited number of students are allowed to go to the library during study halls. Students are required to observe library rules (absolute quiet).
  7. Going to a Teacher: Students must present a pre-signed pass to the study hall teacher. Arrangements must be made with a teacher prior to the study hall period.
  8. Going to Computer Room: A limited number of students are allowed to go to the computer room during study halls. The computer room is a work area. Computer games are not allowed.
  9. Going to Restrooms: It is required that students sign out to rest rooms on a sign out sheet. A limited amount of time will be allowed to each student for this privilege.
  10. Students are to pass from study halls in a manner that will not disrupt any class.
  11. Game playing, including cards, is not allowed.

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The student phone is located in the office and is for the use of students before, during, and after school. Students should use the phone during a non-academic time such as study halls and lunch. Student cell phones are not in use during the school day (see cell phone policy).

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Teachers issue textbooks and class novels to students in certain courses. Since there is no charge for these books, the responsibility for their condition and safekeeping rests directly with the student. Any damage or loss will be charged to the student at the end of the school year when books are returned.

Failure to return borrowed books or materials or failure to pay for damaged property will result in parents being billed during the summer. Subsequent disciplinary action may result should obligations go unpaid.

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Vacation Policy

In the case of an absence due to a family vacation that does not coincide with a school vacation, the student is responsible for completing all work covered. It is the student’s responsibility to request all assignments prior to leaving for vacation. The allowed time for turning in make-up work or taking make-up tests is one (1) school day for each day missed to a maximum of ten (10) school days. If make-up work is not completed during the allowed time, the student’s grade will be adjusted accordingly.

The following procedures will be used when requesting assignments:

  1. The student brings a note signed by a parent indicating the day(s) the student will be out of school. The note must be submitted five (5) days in advance of the absence.
  2. The Attendance Secretary will send the student to the Counseling Office to obtain a Family Vacation Absence Form. At this time, a counselor will review the Vacation Absence Policy with the student.
  3. The student gives the form to each teacher who fills in the assignments(s) and the date(s) due.
  4. The student has his/her parent/guardian sign the form and returns the yellow copy to his/her counselor for review.
  5. If the work is not turned in on the date due, the teacher will meet with the student to explain the consequences and will notify the appropriate counselor.
  6. The counselor will meet with the student to review the consequences of not completing the assignment(s) and to work with the student so that he/she will be more responsible in the future.
  7. If these steps are not completed prior to the vacation, the counselor will meet with the student upon his/her return to school. At that time, the counselor will notify him/her of the deadline to submit missed work based on the number of days on vacation and communicate with his/her teachers.

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Parents and other citizens are encouraged to visit the school periodically during the course of the school year. Persons who are not students or staff MUST report immediately to the school office when they enter the school building. Student visitors from other schools, unless they have a specific reason and prior approval of the Building Principal, are NOT permitted to enter school buildings.

Visitors to the schools of the district shall be governed by the following rules:

  1. The Building Principal must be contacted by the person or group wishing to visit and prior approval must be obtained for the visit.
  2. All visitors must report to the main office, sign in, and be issued a visitor’s permit, which must be displayed at all times. The permit must be returned to the main office and the visitor must sign out at the conclusion of the visit.
  3. Parents are encouraged to visit teachers, counselors, school nurse, school psychologists and other support personnel by appointment, in order to discuss any problems or concerns the parent may have regarding the student, whether or not school-related.

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Working Papers

All boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 18 must have working papers if they intend to work after school hours or during school vacation. Despite the attraction of having a part time job, students should give careful thought to the amount of time and energy such a job can demand. Students should remember that school responsibilities always take precedence over such jobs. To obtain working papers, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Go to the Counseling Office and ask for an application form.
  2. Take this form to your parents or guardian for his or her signature.
  3. The student should then return the signed form to the Nurse’s Office for processing.
  4. When the student’s application has been authorized, he/she will be called to the office to pick his/her Working Papers.

Always remember, a work permit is for your protection. It safeguards you from harm caused by physical labor beyond your capacity.

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Water Bottles

Students are permitted to have a water bottle throughout the school day filled with water. Water bottles are at the teachers’ discretion in the classroom.

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Perry Junior High School Student Handbook - New Hartford Central School District (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.